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Recent porn site little known which approaches the 35000 videos within about sixty categories, does not redirect automatically its Net surfers on the most famous sites from where come the porn videos placed at the disposal free. Advertising is moderated and does not disturb the viewing of porn videos by pop-up windows. If the site’s managers have admitted that a necessary “cleaning” consisting of deleting poor quality videos is currently underway, they have also done us the honour of entrusting us exclusively with the future opening of a community whose access, subject to registration, will be free. Members will be able to exchange with each other, create blogs, upload photos and videos. After control obviously and according to their quality, these deposits will be published on the site with public access or reserved exclusively to the members (according to decision of the members who will have put them on line). All media free of pornography will be deleted, they told us.  That is to say that we should expect porn galore and only porn.