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With 55 million visitors per day, this site is the most visited in the world in the porn industry. It also ranks 55th in the Alexa Ranking, which is remarkable. Pornhub is more than a porn site, it is a true multinational that includes many companies. It is therefore no surprise that Pornhub is 1st in our ranking even if there are some negative points. The porn videos on this site are loaded by the visitors themselves (after registration). We therefore find a bit of anything in each category because there is no control on the part of pornhub. For example, we can have Swedish in the Italian category. There are also a lot of very poor quality videos. The Internet user must therefore spend a lot of time before finding a good video. It is not uncommon to have to consult several pages before stumbling upon a correct video that fits its category. The last negative comment we will make about this site is the size of the preview thumbnails which are too small.